Project Goal

The Town of Jamestown recognizes that our island resources are finite, a healthy economy is essential to our quality of life, our quality of life is worth preserving, and our residents are forward-thinking, creative, diverse, passionate and an asset to our community.

The project goal is to develop Town sustainability goals, guiding principles, strategies and specific implementation actions to guide Jamestown’s future development and decision making that provides a clear framework which addresses the challenges of today and the future in areas related to energy consumption at the public service and facility level, municipal facilities and services, land use, economic development, circulation and transportation, open space, agriculture, recreation, housing, and natural and cultural resources.


Phase I: December 2016 - March 2017

The goal of the first phase of Sustainable Jamestown is to reach out to residents, business owners, and visitors to Jamestown to learn what YOU think about sustainability, and what the Town should be doing about it.  Together, we'll set the topics and priorities for the plan.

Phase II: April 2017 - Late 2017

Data collection and research on the topics and priorities selected by the community for the plan, resulting in a comprehensive, written Sustainable Jamestown plan with a Vision, Goals, Strategies and Implementation Actions.

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Sustainability: …meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.
— Brundtland Commission World Commission on Environment & Development, Our Common Future, 1987.
Community Resilience: The capability to anticipate risk, limit impact, and bounce back rapidly through survival, adaptability, evolution, and growth in the face of turbulent change.
— Community and Regional Resilience Institute, 2013

The Role of the Town

This project will evaluate Jamestown’s strengths and weaknesses, while identifying significant opportunities for sustainable economic development, reducing adverse environmental impacts, supporting a high quality of life and a healthy lifestyle. It is being lead by the Town's Planning Commission and Staff, who will manage the project with the help of a consultant team.

The Role of the Consultant

The Horsley Witten Group has been hired to conduct Phase I of the project, including developing a plan for public participation, organizing a public workshop and other engagement opportunities, and laying out a framework of topics to explore further.