Diversity of Housing
As of 2015, the average single family home in Jamestown cost $585,000 - more than anywhere else in the state other than Block Island.
It would take an income of nearly $145,000 a year to afford the average house. The median household income in Rhode Island is $54,891. In Jamestown, $95,175.
Anecdotally, more and more of Jamestown's housing stock is being used for short term vacation rentals, or is being torn down to make way for larger homes.
Further, over 35% of the island's housing stock was built prior to 1950. How can these homes be retrofitted to be more energy efficient and to provide good homes for the next generation?
Questions to Consider:
1. Can your children afford to buy a home in Jamestown? Can your aging parents afford to stay here?
2. How does the housing market impact the town's long term quality of life and sense of community?
3. Cost aside, do you think Jamestown has the housing types needed to attract and retain young adults, families, and aging seniors?