Healthy Communities
In recent years, community planning policy and design have been viewed through the lens of public health. In most cases, projects are implemented at the local level but, many funding sources are now available from state health agencies, the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), and other state and federal sources. These funding streams signify a significant shift in state and federal agencies away from treating diseases to developing strategies to prevent them. The focus on downward trends in public health (e.g., asthma, diabetes, obesity, etc.) has led to an interest in the quality of local food systems, recreational opportunities, bicycle and pedestrian amenities, “green” homes, and traditional neighborhood design.
Questions to Consider:
1. Do you, your family, and your neighbors have good opportunities to live a healthy lifestyle in Jamestown?
2. Is access to healthy food or health care a problem for anyone you know?
3. What would make it easier for you and your family to have more active play and exercise in Jamestown?

Resources for Healthy Communities