Welcome to Sustainable Jamestown!

Sustainable Jamestown is tackling issues that affect your quality of life as a resident and a business owner:

  • How can we maintain our local resident-serving businesses?
  • How can we ensure that our children, grandchildren, aging parents, and others can afford to live here in the future and have appropriate services and housing?
  • Where is our infrastructure most at risk and what can we do about it?
  • How can we better protect our drinking water supply?
  • How do we take advantage of tourism without harming our natural environment or quality of life?
  • How do we maintain an active spirit of volunteerism
The Town of Jamestown strives to meet our existing needs without compromising resources for future generations. Municipal decision-making will weigh the social, economic, and environmental impacts of its choices and consider their long-term effects.

These issues, and many more, are examined inside this plan. Click below to learn more.