Climate Change & Resilient Infrastructure
The impacts of Climate Change through Sea Level Rise are often perceived as distant, but the assets being built today will still be within their design life when future effects of sea level rise are felt. In addition, sea level rise will magnify the impacts of 100-year storm surge events by raising the water level.
Less distant is the issue of water infrastructure, and making sure Jamestown has safe and dependable access to water for drinking, bathing, and more.
Questions to Consider:
1. What roads and bridges in town flood now during storms? What can the Town do to ensure safe circulation if these resources are damaged or inundated in the future?
2. What would happen if summer drought conditions caused Jamestown to lose its capacity to supply public drinking water to the island? What would you be willing to do or to spend to make sure that never happens?
3. In the next century, parts of Jamestown are likely to be cut off from the rest of the island by sea-level rise. At what point does it make sense to start investing in new bridges and roads that address these changes?

Dependable and Safe Water Supply

Climate Change & Sea-Level Rise
What does the research say? CLICK HERE for some basic data and information on sea-level rise in Jamestown.