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Action Lab
Welcome to the Action Lab! This is where Jamestowners share ideas and what they’re doing to make Jamestown more sustainable and enhance the island’s quality of life. It’s also a place where residents learn more about what their neighbors are doing and volunteer to help out.
It’s easy!
Click a box below to read more about sustainability efforts going on in Jamestown now.
Like what you see? Click the “Volunteer” button and let us know how you’d like to help.
Have an idea that’s not listed here? Click here to “Share an Idea” and tell us what you’d like to do. The Sustainable Jamestown Task Force will add any idea to the website that could significantly move this plan forward.
The efforts below are placeholder examples. Do you have information on any of these things or another idea?
“Share an Idea” and help get this page started!
Your idea could be here!
Black Earth Compost
Rhode Island’s local residential curbside service provider that brings your home’s food scraps away from the landfill, and into the garden. To learn more about, visit here